Japan’s fisheries white paper outlines measures to boost fisheries in 2020
2020-07-23 16:38:42   来源:   评论:0 点击:

Japan recently released a comprehensive white paper on fisheries that contains extensive plans to boost its fisheries and fishing industry in the hopes of reversing negative trends. 
Japan’s fishing industry has been in a long decline since the loss of access to the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the United States, and a sharp reduction in quota for Russian waters in the early to mid-1980s. Those losses prompted a government-sponsored rationalization fleet reduction. Effort was shifted to sardines in Japanese waters, but the stock soon collapsed, never to return to such high levels.
The number employed in fishing has also been declining. In order to boost employment and ensure successors to the current aging workforce, the government aims to raise incomes of the fisheries industry and make it attractive for the young people.
Part of those efforts involves improving the monitoring of the fisheries. To better measure fish stocks, the government will start to employ satellites and seawater temperature monitors. Additionally, in order to move toward real-time data, the Fisheries Agency will establish standardized electronic data reporting formats.
A new Fisheries Resources Research Center was established at the National Research and Development Agency for Fisheries Research and Education. Part of the purpose for this was to separate stock assessment from policy determination, so as to provide more objectivity and transparency. The information will also be published in a form that is easier for the general public to understand.
The agency intends to convert management of 80 percent of the catch to a total allowable catch (TAC) system by the year 2023, and to allocate the TAC by individual quota (IQ). When implementing a resource management plan, the government will utilize subsidies to stabilize the income of fishermen.
The white paper also includes new plans for poaching – particularly for sea cucumbers, a valuable export item. The government will work to prevent undocumented product from being distributed to markets or from being exported.
Regarding conservation of eels, another popular species that can face conservation issues, Japan will continue to work with China, South Korea to limit the amount of glass eels that can be placed in aquaculture ponds, and aim to create a legally binding international framework. 
In response to frequent disasters, such as typhoons, the white paper also indicates that a reserve fund will be contributed to by fishermen, and used to maintain income following a disaster or reduction in fishing for resource recovery. Additional funds will be available for replacing income lost due to the novel coronavirus.
At large fishing ports where exports are expected to expand, to maintain consistent hygiene and cold-chain the Fishery Agency will promote the integrated development of quays, cargo handling areas, freezing and refrigerating facilities, and ice making facilities necessary for collection and shipping. This is to satisfy requirements for HACCP quality control systems for exports to the U.S.A. and E.U.


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